Hololens Spider

Date: 2016-12-22, duration: 3 weeks

Skills needed

  • Untiy C#
  • VIsual Studio
  • Hololens
  • AR
Project description

HoloLens: first draft ever! My school Epitech Montpellier acquired an HoloLens. They needed someone working on it to set up a project. Being the only one in my school interested in video games and virtual reality, I naturally agreed to carry out a project in collaboration with my school. I wanted to create spider holograms who randomly walk on wall. I work with Visual Studio and Unity 5.4 for now. On that step, the spider actually walk on a invisible cube which surround the "player". In the next step, the spider will walk on the Spatial Mapping of the HoloLens: the real world!

project url

View source code on github: https://github.com/usernameHed/hololens
