This website, hosted by my own server

Date: 2016-11-13, duration:

Skills needed

  • Creating a website
  • HTML / CSS
  • Javascript & JQuery
  • PHP & image manipulation with GD
  • SQL and phpMyAdmin to manage databases
  • Creating a server for a private individual or a secure business
Project description

This website was made entirely in HTML / CSS & PHP. With javascript client side to dynamize the site, and PHP / SQL to manage my databases server side. I currently host this website on my own server at home. I am therefore independent from some else server.

I learned to secure the data, to manage databases of a group of clients (my family and friends first, and then for the e-artsup school, ECDC association, and Incenti studio).

Because of this, I am able to mount a company's server, manage its databases, and create a website from A to Z